Sunday, March 9, 2008

Track is Starting!

Well track starts tomorrow. I will finally have something to do with my time. Lately it's been kind of boring. I haven't been doing much. I mostly watch TV or play on the computer. It seems like everyone else has been doing some pretty fun things. Solo and Ensemble is coming up on Friday, I am pretty nervous especially since I have to sing a solo. Luckily Lizzy has been helping me straighten out the kinks in it. Piano festival was yesterday I pretty much bombed all of the tests. I even had to play my piece two times through because the judges got so lost. It was pretty funny, but luckily it was just practice for Friday.


The Schauerhamers said...

so how was track today? I hope it was fun. I saw all of the kids out running and getting ready for the season here at Jordan High. There were a ton of kids like around 50!

sara said...

Good Luck with track. Let me know if you are going to have any meets up here so I can go watch you. Also good luck with your Solo and Ensemble. What are you going to sing?

Alan and Shelley said...

I want to come to a track meet! Send me a schedule and it would be so fun if I could come down and see you run. I love track and Field days! Zack won't participate, he's such a poop.