Sunday, April 27, 2008

Track meet

I hope that some of you guys can come to my meet at Juan Diego on Wednesday. If you can it will start at 3:00 probably. I am not quite sure yet since we don't ever find out until we are up at the school so if I find out I will tell you. This week has been pretty hectic. I am trying to catch up with all of the stuff that I am missing for track meets and quiz bowl so sorry if I don't blog much anymore. Anyways, hope to see you soon.


Alan and Shelley said...

I was thinking I would come to SLC to see your meet, but then saturday an older gentleman in our ward passed away. I have to help out on his funeral, since I haven't been released out of the RS yet. The other presidency members are leaving town and so I am doing it. I hope you win by a mile!

The Schauerhamers said...

I'm excited for your track meet tomorrow! We will be there as soon as we can. We get out of school at 2:30 and I'm supposed to stay until 3 but I think we will leave a little early! :)

Alan and Shelley said...

i need to hear from your own fingers what happened at the track meet on Wednesday. I'm glad you did so well on the relay and the 200. Good for you. Keep running strong. Head up and pump the arms and legs as fast as you can.