Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Oh How Random Our Lives Can Be

25 random facts about me:

1. I love to watch re-runs of George Lopez, Fresh Prince of Bel-Air and That '70s Show.

2. I hate seafood.

3. I love stupid movies like The Ringer and Hot Rod.

4. I get up 20 minutes before school starts to get ready.

5. I hate Jason Mesnick!

6. My seminary teacher drives me crazy.

7. It bugs me when peoples shirts aren't just right.

8. I can't go to sleep unless there is background sound of some sort.

9. I feel like my birthday gets ruined every year.

10. I love shoes!

11. I'm worried I won't get asked to prom next year.

12. I broke one of Grandma Jorgensen's ribs when I was little.

13. My cousins are the best friends ever!

14. I think math is a waste of time and brain space.

15. I like classic rock bands like ACDC and Def Leppard.

16. I love to look at the stars and wonder what it would be like to be an astronaut.

17. I am a potato chip addict.

18. High school girls drive me insane and I want to strangle some of them!

19. I've started reading Pride and Prejudice, Jane Eyre, and Count of Monte Cristo and couldn't finish any of them.
20. I'm pretty good at spelling and it bugs me when people spell things wrong.

21. I'm a cleaning lady. My employer (AKA Lizzy) serves me lunch. haha

22. I remember feeding grandma Jorgensen green jello before she died.

23. I'm the one who started the barfmobile incident.

24. I got asked out on a date for next August.

25. I love my car!

Anyway, these are things that you may or may not know about me.


Madison said...

Hahahaha this made me laugh so hard. I love you, girlie.

The Schauerhamers said...

You made me laugh too. I liked the one about you being asked out on a date for next August. Maybe you should explain that. I knew most of these things about you but I'm glad that your employer serves you lunch. And what good lunch that must be coming from Lizzy! Thanks for posting.

Alan and Shelley said...

Fun post Tenny. But I want to know why high school girls drive you crazy. Aren't you in high school? You are lucky to have such an aggreable employer who not only pays you, but serves lunch. What a deal.

sara said...

I also claim to be a potato chip addict. So what are you going to do on that date in August?